German Expats in India – Events and Guides for Expats

German Expats in India – Events and Guides for Expats

Pooja Butte

Feb 17, 2020

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German expats in India – Events and Guides for Expats
German expats in India – Events and Guides for Expats
German expats in India – Events and Guides for Expats

Today, German expatriates have a sturdy presence in India, mainly in the mining and heavy engineering sector. Also, culture plays a vital part in Indo- German relations, both countries have long history of cultural exchange.  Sanskrit and German have common origins. Many German scholars have done extensive research in Sanskrit studies and Indology.

Many German companies are successful in the Indian market, the success stories include Volkswagen Group, Bosch, Siemens, and Henkel who have established businesses in India. Pune is the largest German hub in India. There are over 190 wholly German-owned companies in the city. There are another 200 Indo-German joint ventures and another 80 Indian firms in Pune that do business with Germany.

At present it is believed that expat population in India is between 30000-40000 and the number is increasing yearly. One will find wide range of different people which may include students, Teacher’s, Artist spirituals CEO and executives from across the globe.

Festivals are great way to discover the beauty of India its cultural heritage and spirituality.

There are same major festivals in India which attracts Expats are as fallows.

  1. Kumbhmela- Held in Every Three years in 4 different parts of India this is an auspicious day of the year. It is believed people are seen bathing in the sacred river to gain wisdom and immorality.

  2. Holi- It is a festival of colours which signifies the arrival of spring and good over evil and is celebrated across India.

  3. Janmashtami- Celebrated in the month of August and is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna.

  4. Durga Pooja- One of the biggest festivals in Bengal it’s a finest mix of traditions and colours. The good way to celebrate durga Pooja is going around with the crowd and visiting the pendol in the evenings.

  5. Diwali- Majorly known as Festivals of lights. Celebrated through India where you can find lighting food and crackers. Diwali is a family celebration just like Christmas.

  6. Onam- Typically celebrated in Kerala. During this festival such as boat racing music dance fireworks and many other activities are held.

  7. Ganesh Chaturthi- One of the biggest and the most popular festival in the western part of India. The street our full with people go along with the crowd and enjoy the processions on road.

  8. Pushkar Camel- Celebrated in the small town of Rajasthan it’s a world’s largest cattle fair celebrated in October..

Rath Yatra in Puri / International Kit festival in Gujrat/ Run of Kutch in Gujrat / Alora Festival in Maharashtra /Taj Mohotsav in Agra/Humpy Utsav in Kerala /Dev Deepawali in Varanasi/ Goa carnival in Goa are few to mention.

To mention OKTOBERFEST is celebrated in all Major cities in India.

Eating in India as Expat:

Indian food evidently showcases a variety of cuisines which vary accordingly to the geography, culture, religions and spiritual influences of this vast nation. Indian cuisine is well spread across the globe over the past 4000 years, in-fact one of the main reason for the Britishers and Portuguese’s  expeditions to explore the eastern part of the globe was to search for the exotic spices tasted by very few sailors/travellers who had shared their stories to the people in their mainland. Therefore, how much ever spicy and hot the food might be the travellers visiting India look forward to relish the authentic Indian dishes during their time in India. If the spice and hotness of the food is too much, one may feel free to notify the chef to make the dishes less spicy and hot while ordering.