Foreign Nationals Residing in India Can Get Vaccinated Using Passport as the ID Document

Foreign Nationals Residing in India Can Get Vaccinated Using Passport as the ID Document

Sanjog Charan

Aug 16, 2021

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Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document
Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document
Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document

On 09 August 2021, Indian Government has allowed Foreign nationals residing in India to be able to register on the Covid19 vaccination portal and schedule their Vaccination. Foreign nationals residing in India will need to make use of their Passport as an ID document and the registration on the Covid19 vaccination portal will need to be accomplished using the Passport Number.

Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document
Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document
Foreign nationals residing in India can get Vaccinated using Passport as the ID document

Covid19 vaccination portal:

Step by step Guide to registration on Covid19 vaccination portal:


Foreign nationals can follow the step by step guide for the registration process. Please ensure to have an Indian Mobile Phone Number ready to start the process of registration & also the Passport Number of all individuals in the family.

Please Note:

Up to 4 people can be registered for vaccination using the same mobile number.
Currently all Vaccines available in India are approved only for 18 years and above.
Foreign nationals may want to research on the acceptance/ recognition of the respective vaccine in their country/ countries that Foreign nationals may frequently travel to

Foreign national & family members are registered on the portal, they can schedule a vaccination appointment at the choice of their ‘Vaccination centre’ & also make as selection on the ‘Vaccine manufacturer’. The following Vaccines are currently available via the Covid19 vaccination portal:

Covishield (Astra Zeneca – Serum Institute of India):
Covaxin (Bharat Biotech):
Sputnik V (Gamaleya Research Institute):
In addition, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson have also received emergency approvals for India, however the vaccine is still not available

IKAN’s Assistance

IKAN teams are available to assist Foreign Nationals towards registration and vaccine scheduling processes and IKAN will provide the guidance/ assistance without any service fee. In case any Foreign National needs guidance/ assistance, please email to

Note: At this stage, we are not sure if the poral is already accepting the registrations, however this will get tested in due course of time. Also, IKAN does not promote any specific vaccine/ vaccination centre & is only works to encourage everyone to #getvaccinated towards the fight against #Covid19Coronavirus